Anytime, Anywhere learning means anytime, anywhere learning
Anytime, Anywhere Learning is premised on the idea that learning does not have to occur at the same time every day, be delivered exclusively by teachers or be confined to traditional classrooms. Learning can occur at different times and different places, whether it’s in a school setting, a career and technical education center, a local college, a community-based organization, a workplace or through an online learning application.
Student learning may also take place under the guidance of business professionals, trades people, scientists and community leaders who work closely with teachers. When schools embrace proficiency-based learning, students can pursue a wider variety of learning pathways while still meeting high academic standards and their school’s graduation and promotion requirements.
Anytime, Anywhere Learning is also premised on the idea that learning accomplishments should be recognized, rewarded or valued consistently and equally regardless of whether students learn in a school, outside a school or online. One student may learn a concept through reading and researching, while another student learns the same concept through a volunteer experience or internship, and schools can assign the same “value” to both “pathways.”

Anytime, Anywhere learning accelerants

1:1 Initiative



facility change
Anytime, Anywhere Means USING TIME DIFFERENTLY
Learning must shift from a Ford Factory model of "seat time" to a competency based system. Schools and districts must rethink the purpose, use, and effectiveness of how time is used for instruction.
time for change

the shift from Carnegie units to competency based
Schools must shift from the usage of Carnegie Units to determine credits to the implementation of competency based credits.

Carnegie Unit: A seat time formula for calculating credits earned revolving around 120 hours of time in class.
Competency-Based: Competency is the ability for the student to transfer content/skills across content areas.
To accelerate the shift from Carnegie to Competency Based Credits, states must reform how they compensate districts and teachers. Instead of looking at "cost per student", we need to be looking at "cost per credit".